Molten Lava Cake

Molten lava cake

                                                            It is a dessert composed of a small chocolate cake with crunchy rind and mellow filling that is conventionally served hot.


  • Dark Chocolate - 170gm
  • Butter - 113gm
  • Egg - 2no.
  • Egg yolks - 2 
  • Sugar - 45gm
  • Refind flour - 2tbsp

◆ METHOD :- 

  1. Mix dark chocolate & butter melt on double boiler till it melts and mixes properly.
  2. Mix whole egg with egg yolks & sugar whisk well till sugar melts & mixed.
  3. Add egg yolk mixture  into the melted chocolate, mix well
  4. Add flour gradually & mix well.
  5. Grease the ramakin mould  & dust with flour , pour 3/4 mixture .
  6. Bake at 230℃ for 12 min
  7. Remove from oven cool it for a minute remove upside down .
  8. Dust with powdered sugar OR garnish with raspberries.



1. It is not necessary to grease tins for pastry, Whan greasing tins for cakes, puddings, ete nie hydrogenated fat.

2. Dried fruit should always be clanned before it d It must be wished thoroughly, atema removed and spread on a cloth or over a rack covered with m alin Never use wet fruit. A little refined flour may be mixed with the fruit before adding it to cakes, Glace fruits should also be washed and dried.

3. To measure syrup, dip a tablespoon into boiling water, then use it quickly and the syrup will fall of the spoon easily.

4. If creamed fat and sugar tend to curdle after egg is added, add 1 tablespoon of the measured flour.

5. The hottest part of an oven is initially the top shelf. Bake large cakes in the middle of the oven. amall cakes on the top shelf Centre of oven corresponda most closely with the dial setting.

6. Fill tins only foll to allow for rising. For large enkes make a slight depression in the middle no that they will rise flat.

7. To test when cake is cooked: 
a ) Sponge and sandwich cake: Press the centre of the cake very lightly with a finger: the impression should spring back immediately. Always let cake cool slightly before removing from tin.

(b) For large cakes such as fruit and Madeira, insert a fine skewer; it should come out clean.

8. It in necessary to pre-hent an oven for 15-20 minutes before using. Arrange shelves before heating oven. If oven door has to be opened while cakes are baking, it would be done gently as an onrush of cold in may spoil booking.
